
Look out, not up

Look out, not up

Look out, not up this Ascension Sunday and always. Seek and find God’s presence in places of pain and suffering, as God works through you. For we are people called to do justice and love mercy. We do not have the luxury of looking to others to fix the problems we abhor. We are called to be people who show up, tell the truth, and point to Christ, so that everyone may live life abundantly.

Sermon 5/16/21: Up, up, and away...(Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 5/16/21: Up, up, and away...(Pr. Michelle Sevig)

The angels asked, “...why do you stand here looking into the sky?” The mission-field Jesus calls us to is down here, in front of us, to our right and to our left. We are not abandoned, but given an opportunity to love fiercely and boldly in Jesus’ name. The Holy Spirit is with us now and empowers us to receive the fullness of God’s love and to share that love and peace with others. May go out this day to boldly serve in Jesus’ name right here in our neighborhood and to the ends of the earth.

Sermon 5/24/20: Still Here (Troy Medlin)

Sermon 5/24/20: Still Here (Troy Medlin)

Jesus will come again, and be with us, and stay with us, the same way he came before. Jesus has come, again and again, and continues to dwell among us, in the midst of the messy and mundane of your life and mine. The promise of the ascension is that Jesus is still with us, that he has never left us, he has set up shop with us and continues to walk by our side.