
Sermon 6/13/21: "The Unexpected Reign of God" Pr. Michelle Sevig

Sermon 6/13/21: "The Unexpected Reign of God" Pr. Michelle Sevig

Would you be willing to be on the lookout this week--maybe this entire summer--and share when you experience God’s reign of extravagant, wild, out of control grace being shared. Where are the places you see hope coming to life among death and fear? When do you sense God at work in the world? Let’s help each other see what Jesus was helping his disciples to see, that God comes among us in the unexpected, that the reign of God is made known in the mystery of Christ among us.

Sermon 6/14/20: Laughable (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 6/14/20: Laughable (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Laugh with me! Join God’s dream to make the impossible possible. I love this quote from theologian Harvey Cox: “holy laughter is the gift of grace. It is the human spirit’s last defense against banality and despair. We praise of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sarah, Rachel, and Rebekka. Mary, Jesus, and Paul. God is faithful. You have a future. All will be well. All will be healed. It is the kind of joy we saw at George Floyd’s funeral and at the funeral of the Emmanuel Nine. Even with hearts breaking, we join the laughter of the universe! For Christ is risen. A good laugh, indeed.