
Sermon 4/24/21: “Lay Down Our Lives” Seminarian Taylor Walker

Sermon 4/24/21: “Lay Down Our Lives” Seminarian Taylor Walker

How is it possible for us to keep giving when it feels like the ground beneath us is pulling away? It is possible for one reason. There is another here with us. Jesus is the cornerstone, Peter tells us, of the new world we are building now. God restores our souls, David tells us, and our cups will overflow because the love of God is deeper and wider than all of the sin in this world. Jesus is the good shepherd, John tells us, and he will not leave us alone as we do this work.

Sermon 11/21/20: Come, listen, and give thanks (Seminarian Taylor Walker)

Sermon 11/21/20: Come, listen, and give thanks (Seminarian Taylor Walker)

Let us sing praises, and let us come into God’s presence, and let us fall down in worship, and let us listen. Listen to the readings from the voices of our friends. Listen to the same prayers recited this day across the country. Listen to the ways God is comforting us during this time, listen to the ways God is teaching us to love each other in this time, listen to the ways God is saying, “it will be okay one day, and I will never, ever let you go. No matter what.”