Online Liturgy with Communion + Sunday, August 2 + 9:30am

Information on communion at Holy Trinity during quarantine may be found here.

How shall I prepare for communion in my home?

  1. Set a table as if you were hosting a special guest, which in this case is the Risen Christ. Put out a tablecloth or piece of fabric. Choose a small plate and a wine glass or cup. Light a candle. Place other sacred items on the table such as a bible, icon, or flowers.

  2. BREAD. One option is to purchase a small baguette or dinner roll. Or consider baking bread, which is a holy experience in and of itself. Though any recipe for bread is fine (even without yeast), you may want to make the Holy Trinity communion bread recipe, perhaps making half of the recipe. You could freeze some of the loaves for future services.

  3. WINE/JUICE. You may use a bottle of wine and drink the rest of it over the next few days. Some wineries (such as Sutter Home) make small 187 ml bottles. Grape juice (or another kind of juice) is fine, too.

How will communion online work?

Gathered as a live community via Zoom, during the prayer of thanksgiving (in gallery view), the assembly will hold up their bread and wine as we pray for the Holy Spirit to come upon us and the meal we share. At the time of communion, those gathered with others will say to one another, “the body of Christ given for you,” and “the blood of Christ shed for you.” If you live alone, the presiding minister will say these words to you as you eat and drink. Though we are gathered as a community, Christ’s presence and promise of forgiveness and grace is for each individual person.

What if I choose not to commune online?

As we do in the church building, a blessing will be spoken for all those not communing. Christ is truly present in the Word of life, and in the Spirit within us.

When will communion be offered at HTLakeview or HTLoop?

In June we offered communion in HTLakeview’s garden and had only five express interest. We anticipate there will be opportunities for small groups to receive communion in person, at some point. Please speak with one of the pastors to discuss communion brought to your home, if that is advisable.

What should I do with the bread or wine not consumed in the liturgy?

As the ELCA sacramental statement recommends and as we practice at Holy Trinity, the remaining bread and wine are consumed following the service (or at meals throughout the day). It is also possible to pour remaining wine on the ground and to place bread there for the birds and as a gift for creation. In all cases, “the bread and wine of Communion are handled with care and reverence, out of a sense of the value both of what has been set apart by the Word as a bearer of the presence of Christ and of God's good creation.” (Use of the Means of Grace, #47)

How is communion related to Holy Trinity’s mission?

The eucharist is not only for spiritual comfort and to strengthen our faith. We become what we eat. We are the body of Christ for a suffering world. In a post-communion prayer that we often use: O God, we give you thanks that you have set before us this feast, the body and blood of your Son. By your Spirit strengthen us to serve all in need and give ourselves away as bread for the hungry, through Christ our Lord.

Is online communion the new norm for Holy Trinity?

Because these are extraordinary times, Holy Trinity’s staff recommends this practice for pastoral reasons. Communion online (as part of a live Zoom communal liturgy) will be offered monthly for the time being.